A Director is the person who brings ideas to life. They are the ones who turn a storyboard on paper into the finished video. Without a Director on the shoot you are relying completely on the cameraman to get the correct the shot. All of our cameramen at Mediabox Productions have years of experience to achieve the perfect the shot, but having the Director on set is vital to the production of your video.


I would suggest that we are all capable of making an omelette, but having a professionally trained chef in your kitchen with Michelin stars would ensure that you not only have the best tasting omelettes, but also the best looking omelet on your plate. The same can be said for having a director at your shoot, they will interpret your vision and ensure that the end result far exceeds your expectations.


Having a Director on set whilst filming along with a trained cameraman will ensure that no detail is missed. Yes the cameraman is more than capable of getting the shot that is technically perfect but with a Director they have the creative vision and focus to know how all the shots will fit together to complete the final film. This will follow the storyboard, which has already been created during pre-production. The Director can also help to make the person you a filming feel at ease. This will have multiple benefits in that it will not only produce the best results for your film but save time and money in the long run for the client as the best possible footage will be taken.


Interpreting the clients vision is something that we have many years experience in doing. We listen to all suggestions and will be completely honest with feedback if we simply think that what the client is proposing wont work for their film we are quite happy to suggest what we feel is the best direction to take the video in. Our creative vision has enabled us to produce videos which our clients have thanked us for and were very pleased that what we had suggested as the direction and style for their video was executed.

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