Our Video Production Process

Planning Your Video

Over sixteen years we have developed a process for working with our clients to ensure an accurate and timely delivery on all projects and deliverables. Here is a breakdown of how we work.

Pre-Production & Creative Development

We arrange a FREE 30 minute meeting over the phone and start by asking you some questions about your goals for your video and what you’re hoping to achieve. 

Step 1

Script & Storyboard

A script is written with all of the clients key messages included. A storyboard is produced to accompany the script which is a visual representation of how the video will look when complete.

Step 2

Online Teams or Zoom Call

We then send these across to our clients and follow this up with either an online call or face to face meeting to go over the script and storybaord ideas.

Step 4

Production begins

Once we agree on a filming day, the crew will arrive and set up in preparation for a day of filming. and we’ll begin shooting. We work to the agreed schedule and liase with a representative on the shoot.


Post-Production begins

Our editors will assemble an approval copy of your video using the script and storyboard and footage shot.
You’ll have a chance to offer feedback and another chance to review the video for a second approval before a final cut is delivered.

Step 5

Ready to send a brief?

We love receiving detailed briefs about your exciting video project.